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Interview "My little child" with Shervin Boloorian, from Sound Healing Bali

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Interview "My little child"

Guest: Shervin Boloorian, from Sound Healing Bali

Invité: Shervin Boloorian, de Sound Healing Bali

After meeting Shevin Boloorian in 2016 during a trip in Bali, I'm so glad to have been able to meet him again in Switzerland during his Europe tour.

Musician, singer, sound healer, he offers harmonizing concerts which are always beautiful journeys for the participants...

Après avoir rencontré Shervin Boloorian en 2016 lors d'un voyage à Bali, je suis très heureuse d'avoir pu le rencontrer à nouveau en Suisse à l'occasion de sa tournée en Europe.

Musicien, chanteur, guérisseur par le son, il offre des concerts harmonisants qui sont toujours de beaux voyages pour les participants...

Excerpt of what Shervin would like to say to his "little him":

"Just keep loving the way you love and don't let anybody get in the way of that, because that is such a unique and needed way of loving.

People may not get it, people may not get you, but it's so an important thing for you to love as openly as you can through whatever it is you're doing, including music or sound... and I would probably hold his hand."

And you, what would you like to say to your inner child ?

But in fact, maybe it's he/she who has something to say to us... so let's listen carefully... ;)


Extrait de ce qu'aimerait dire Shervin à son "petit lui":

"Continue d'aimer de la manière dont tu aimes et ne laisse personne se mettre en travers de ça, parce que c'est une manière d'aimer si unique et nécessaire.

Et les gens peuvent ne pas la comprendre, les gens peuvent ne pas te comprendre, mais c'est une chose tellement importante pour toi d'aimer de la manière la plus ouverte possible à travers tout ce que tu fais, y compris la musique ou le son... et je lui prendrais certainement la main."

Shervin's website:

Song "My little child" - Chanson "My little child" :

Site Stéphanie Palazzo Music:

Solfège en Mouvement:

Youtube Stéphanie Palazzo - Blossoming Hearts:

Take care of you ! Prenez soin de vous ! :)


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